Sunday, February 7, 2010

Class Notes 2/5

(Happy SuperBowl Sunday)

Lecture Notes:
Harold Bloom - quoting Empson, taking the notion of epiphany out of the religious shpere.
ghostly aesthetic father - Walter Pater

Joyce asks far less rom his epiphanies. Hopkins a student to Walter Pater.

HW for over the weekend: Here is the conclusion to Walter Pater's study, THE RENAISSANCE and it comes close to a summative statement about the nature of epiphanies........
*the last paragraph is as important to Lit. Crit. as the last paragraph of The Dead is to short stories.

We watched scenes from the Houston film version of The Dead. There were some technical difficulties so we did not get to watch as much as hoped for.
We watched the Recitation scene, which I think added to the culmination of the epiphany even though it is not in the text. You see Gretta along the wall reacting to the poem, a small epiphany for her I suppose, a showing forth of memories. And we watched the Lass of Aughrim scene. And of course we watched the end scene.


By the way I wanted to share that I found Gretta Conroy, Gabriel's wife in Ulysses!!! I was reading along and I thought the name sounded familiar and knowing that Joyce used some characters from Dubliners in Ulysses I checked just to make sure. But she's there at the end of Calypso!
"Timing her. 9.15. Did Roberts pay you yet? 9.20. What had Gretta Conroy
on? 9.23. What possessed me to buy this comb? 9.24. I'm swelled after that
cabbage......." (56).

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