Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Class Notes 4/5

First off thank you to everyone who came to The Baxter Tuesday night!


Dr. Sexson read alound from a print out of his own blog entry......(putting the class on the spot....writing the blog we didn't write...but it helped clear up some things and was very helpful)

Hamlet using metaphors to talk about his father....
Gita without Hamlet, philosophical, theological lessons....Hamlet without Gita, dramatic enactment story, together you get the lessons AND the story.

Hamlet, in the first part of the play is motivated by passion and attatchment.
last part of the play, hovering above the the world not of it.

What does it mean to be ready?

Harold Bloom would say Hamlet is cold and robotic, Dr. Sexson disagrees, the Gita is a model, Hamlet is responsive to everything, attatched.

Horatio must play the role on Sanja. The poet. The storyteller.
What is the role of the poet? Role of the English major?
Chronicle the events, see into the deep heart of things, not the historical

Horation is the English major in Hamlet. (If anyone has take Shakespeare with Dr. Minton they will know that Horatio is one of her favorite characters.)

For the English major, the responsibility is to remember.....

Read, at some point in your life, Borges, The Secret Miracle

ever have a conversation where you didn't notice time passing? (yes, often the ones in this class)

minor characters can be major.....

For Kari looking at Hamlet this way, the play is more appealing....

So Hamlet, it is a play, let's the highest possible level, dance in measure.

FOr the rest of the class we talked about our own paper topics....

mysticism, reconcilliation of opposites....To The Lighthouse......a mysticl text. Work with things on an ontological level.

documentary, "Into the Great Silence"

antiintellectualism, is alive and well in Bozeman, MT

"get hit with a brick from Hamilton Hall and the would be it."

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