Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Last Blog

It is midnight. The rain is beating on the windows. I am calm. All is sleeping. - Beckett, Three Novels

It really is midnight. The rain is truly beating on the windows. I am tired, but calm. Seriously, all is sleeping at my house, but as I post my blogs for both classes I know that I am up with a lot of other bloggers whose flurry of blogging in the last few hours I've seen with every blog I post, edit, and re-post I've done. I've also been trying to reread my blog, while reading the blogs of my colleagues. I'm surrounded by four stacks of horizontal books, about 7 spines per stack.

Is this really it? I am just starting to connect everything, but even then I know that the connections I make are no where near what the possibilities are. But I am leaving the place I've just started to appreciate.

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Eliot, Four Quartets, Little Gidding

At least I've ended where I've started.....in one of Dr. Sexson's classes. And let me tell you I've come a LONG way. I know the place a lot better than the first go around.

It doesn't matter too much to me where I stand in terms of other people, I know that I've improved. See for yourself, here is my puny little Classical Lit. Blog with only 10 blogs for the semester: http://sclanton.blogspot.com/
I really had no where else to go at that point in my college career, but up (or drop out) and here I am.....still no where else to go but up because we've been given many things to take with us from MSU besides heavy loan repayments and a piece of paper to hang on the wall.

I'm so glad I chose to stay an extra year in college instead of cramming everything in to graduate in 4 years. I was able to really connect with the material and with my colleagues and my professors. I cannot imagine graduating without having done all three.

Thank you to everyone. I feel privilaged to have shared a capstone class with such brilliant people. I am not worthy. Thank you to Dr. Sexson who is our guide, our poet, our muse, our shaman.

Tai said he doesn't like goodbyes, and I have to agree. My nose tickles, my eyes are wet, but there are no tears. So I will see you around. I hope to hear great things about everyone in the class, I know I will.

BTW (by the way) I will still post notes from the upcoming Wednesday and Friday classes just to finish out the year with my Class Notes Blogs.

"as, when a storm is done, the rays of sun
strike through the raindrops and a rainbow stains
with its great curve a broad expanse of sky;
and there a thousand different colors glow,
and yet the eye cannot detect the point
of passage from one color to the next,
for each adjacent color is too like
its neighbor..."
- Ovid

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